Additional Information: I use hardware accelration on wayland and brave-nightly --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
Use arch linux and wayland, install via AUR (brave-nightly-bin)
Does this happen every time you visit Youtube or is it intermittent? If you disable Hardware Acceleration in the browser do you get the same result? If you test this on Brave stable, do you get the same result?
It worked with same setting on previous brave nightly build, so It maybe work in brave-stable (not tested)
I turned off hardware accelerated but crashed
I will report this to the team but please remember that issues/bugs with Nightly are expected and frequent. Can you go to brave://crashes and send us the crash report for these events? Additionally, please tell me the crash report ID given to you once the crash is submitted so that we can look these events up easily.
Having the same issue with the latest nightly (and also the previous 2 or 3 nightlies)
It’s not just youtube by the way, it happens on other websites too. Error code is : SIGSEGV
Thank you both for the information. Looks like we can reproduce and are aware of the issue. Will respond when I have more information. Appreciate your patience.
We’ve released a fix for this — already available for Linux builds, builds for other OS should be up shortly. Note that this is a public release so you should be prompted to update your Nightly browser in the next couple of hours.