Connect my rewards to Brave wallet

I’ve been trying to connect my Brave wallet so I can BAT rewards. I go through the process and at the end where it should connect ( I assume) , I get this message:
Something went wrong
There was an unexpected error and we weren’t able to finalize the connection. Please try again.
Is there something I’m doing wrong with this? Any help would be appreciated. If this helps any I have v1.71.123 right now. I’m still getting the rewards pop-ups in the meantime.

@Slagathor can you try to reset your Rewards and try again? To reset go to brave://rewards and hit Reset then agree. From there it will put it to a fresh Rewards profile. Activate it and try to connect again.

I will try that. Hopefully that works. Thanks.

Ok , so I did the reset and refreshed the profile. Now it when I try to connect my BAT rewards, it doesn’t give me the option to connect it to my brave wallet anymore. Is there a step I need to do to fix this?

I’m running into the same issue: no option to connect my Brave self-custody wallet - only custodial wallets.

Version 1.71.123 Chromium: 130.0.6723.1169 (Official Build) (arm64) on MacOs.

@jgunderson that is because it’s not available for everyone yet. It’s invite only. Read through PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators

when it will be available in india.
it is needed because zebpay is charging so much fees.

@imukool stop being silly then. ZebPay only charges you if you sweep your balance into ZebPay and then leave it sit. If you don’t sweep into ZebPay, they don’t charge you. Or if you withdraw as soon as you sweep into it, then you don’t get charged. If you are being charged it’s because you are just leaving money to sit there so that you trigger their fees.

As to other, the answer is already given. If people don’t want to click on links given or read through replies, then I guess they don’t want answers.

This, then
(" :bulb: You can also connect your Brave Rewards to a self-custody account, like Brave Wallet. There is no third-party or custodian holding your assets for you with this option.)
should really be removed from multiple support articles re: the wallet, until it’s publicly available. Cheers.


You can signup for early access here:


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@divide_and_farm thing is, self-custody can be added. It’s not misleading as they have it written, but I do agree that it would be nice if they could be a little more detailed and specific on things. However, they tend to have reasons for not doing so.

Originally, such as when I commented over 20 days ago, they were saying it was small test groups and a gradual rollout. They were aiming at having it as a default option.

Since then, it has been said that they prefer the current setup where people have to apply for the waitlist and get an invite. Why?

  • I forget the terminology and all, but it was also explained that Brave has to pay for each account that connects for on chain.
  • It helps reduce the abuse. If it was a ready made option, then higher chance of people botting with hundreds of accounts.
  • It’s allowing them to make sure there’s no substantial surge in demand. They can control the flow better to make sure systems don’t get overwhelmed and payouts should still process normally.
  • It increases likelihood that a person is going to be active with it. Think about it. A person has to do more than just “plug and play” to get it going. They have to read a couple articles or ask around to know about the waitlist. Then they have to put in the effort to apply for the waitlist and get the invite. It kind of makes it that they have “skin in the game” as the saying goes.

That said, information is out there. If nothing else, I’m regularly doing all sorts of updates such as you can see through PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators which explains things. (which I see you liked a few of my updates there)

Not sure. I think it kind of aligns with my articles like Why is KYC/AML required?. Honestly I need to update that article as we’re nearing 2025 and things have hit, such as the on-chain being more available. But the default option for now is to rely on custodial accounts. These custodial acconts like Uphold, Gemini, ZebPay, etc are easier barriers to entry than on-chain.

One of the big challenges with on-chain is that people won’t be able to move the BAT anywhere unless/until they buy SOL. No coins for gas means it just sits there. People not familiar with cryptocurrency may see that and equate it to be a bit more of a scam, that they have to spend money to get money. Not only that, but Brave Wallet doesn’t act as an exchange. That means when it’s time to withdraw, you have to send it somewhere and then go through all the network/gas fees. None of this is really overseen by government and it’s very easy to lose things if you put addresses in wrong, don’t have the right gas fees, send to a scam place, etc.

Whereas I think the average person is accustomed to opening a bank account and can understand how that works. Exchanges like Uphold are basically bank accounts and are bound to government rules and regulations. Things tend to be more secure and easier to process. Fees generally are low and it’s simple.

Of the two, I prefer using Uphold vs On-Chain for the moment.

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Much obliged, Evan. Did so yesterday after seeing Saoiray’s PSA (‘Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators’). Cheers and keep on!

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Just edited couple typos in my last reply, but also want to emphasize that when wanting to access BAT on-chain, typically going to need to send it to an exchange where you do KYC/AML anyway as it’s what majority of governments require. At least if you’re pulling it out to fiat.

True, there’s some De-Fi options, but government is even trying to go after that. Anyway, point is there are some barriers and difficulties regardless. But at least on-chain is giving people a bit more control over which ones they use.

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Thanks for the detailed reply and brain-food, Saoiray. Much obliged.

For future folk who find the post I referenced as I did, I still think it should note a waiting process re: BAT and Wallet. Right now it reads as if it’s something one does on-demand. That page already has a qualifier (re: KYC) when connecting custodials – why not a qualifier re: process for non-custodials. Your bullet points also illume for me possible reasons it doesn’t detail such, and I get that.

I found that support article and here after having no way to link a non-custodial when trying to connect ‘Rewards,’ then Duck-Duck-Go’ing “BAT and brave rewards and wallet.”

Thanks for the help and keep Brave’in. :slight_smile:

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it’s not working. registered there week ago and still nothing

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