I request you support.
@volatile Thanks for reaching out. Could you let us know on which website payment gateway finds brave as a threat?
I am using Brave for online payment transfer, ticket booking etc … never seen this issue anytime. Curious to know which website is causing this issue.
Please revert back with brave version and platform details along with website.
CC Avenue
It says “we cant complete your transaction”
and then it says “it happens to the best of us”
@volatile Today I have done an online transaction using Brave 0.64.77. The transaction was successful through CC Avenue payment gateway. I think some firewall or antivirus could be causing this issue from your end, I am not too sure.
cc: @Mattches @sriram for better assistance
The only antivirus software i use is the pre built Windows Defender.
Nevermind, I hardly do payments online