Description of the issue: Browsing data not completely cleared on exit.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Settings > Clear Browsing Data > Advanced > Check all except Passwords > close browser
- Same settings as above applied to “On exit” > apply “Clear data”
- Run Wise Disk Cleaner to scan Brave browsing data and check results.
Expected result: Clear browsing data.
Brave Version: 1.3.115
Windows 10, 1909
Additional Information: I started using Brave in part because of this feature. I don’t care for 3rd party cleaners, but apparently I need one unless you fix this. Very disappointing.
I’ll note that I used Brave Beta previously and quit using it because this forum isn’t terribly effective for testing, feedback, etc. Here is an example from another forum member, who notes " Have checked for other similar topics in the community and all have been closed or have no resolution."
I moved to released version and expected basic features to work. You folks have a lot of work to do to regain the trust you have lost with some of your user base. Certainly I am not alone!