Chinese Font Size Automatically Shrink to Tiny Size

Description of the issue:
Simplified Chinese font size automatically shrinks to tiny size (ineligible), while English alphabet size is big enough.

  • The same issue occurs on multiple Android devices with the latest Android version (v14).
  • This issue is not on Chrome installed on the same devices.
  • In Settings - Accessibility - Text scaling, no matter what scaling value is entered, the Simplified Chinese font size remains at the tiny font size.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. On an Android devices (tablet or phone), visit any forum page, say,
  2. The simplified Chinese font size of some posts will shrink automatically to tiny size.

Expected result:
Stop automatically shrinking font size.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.68.137, Chronium 127.0.6533.100

Mobile Device details
Google Pixel 6

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