Captcha Softlocks Browser Usability

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Each time I go to search something new on my browser, I get an impossible-to-solve “confirm you’re a human being” page.
  2. When I go to press the “I am not a robot” button, it simply loads an orange bar on the bottom and a spinning circle on the lefthand side, the purple button switching to a gray color going from “verifying…” to “Letting you in…” but it never does, effectively softlocking me from searching anything new on the browser.
  3. Swapping to their alternative “Switch to traditional captcha” produces similar results. It shows me a “confirm you’re not a robot” page, with a block of static, an orange seethrough circle to the left of the page, and a slightly lighter static circle that you’re supposed to slide the orange circle to. Upon doing this, it simply loads, refreshes the captcha, and again, softlocks me from using the browser.
  1. Refreshing my PC does not seem to fix this issue.

Expected result:
This shouldn’t happen. The human confirmation should have the ability to detect that I’m obviously not a robot, and allow me to use my browser like I’ve been able to for a long time now.

Brave Version( check About Brave): Version 1.56.20 Chromium: 115.0.5790.171 (Official Build) (64 Bit)

Additional Information:

SS of captchas.

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