Description of the issue: I don’t know if this pertains to the browser or just the Brave Search. For some time now I am asked 20 to 50 times per day to prove that I am not a robot by moving a round thing to a circle. It feels tiring and harassing to have to do it with just seconds apart very often. Also this morning I had a new window of a new kind of Captcha that showed a blank thumbnail and asked me to submit proof that I am not a robot but in deed a human… and It was impossible. The button did not lead me anywhere. And also the small text underneath where I could ask to go to old sort of captcha did not work, no matter how many times I tried. I do use another and known VPN but the setting is in my appropriate country. How do I solve this?
Brave Version (check About Brave
Version 1.45.127 Chromium: 107.0.5304.110
Operating System: MAC OS Big Sur