When trying to log into anything Playstation I get an error, this error “A connection to the server could not be established. (18.37781bb8.1588212602.323611)” The crazy code in the brackets changes every attempt. And when I say anything Playstation I mean PSN, the store, via account linking on other sites, everywhere.
The page I am expecting is the the 2 factory authentication screen, but I get the error instead and I do not get a code via SMS like I should.
I have read the previous posts about failed logins and have set the shield using “allow all cookies”. No change.
Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? No
Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. Yes, all of them. It doesn’t matter what configuration I use they are busted. Same error.
Does the site work as expected when using Chrome? Yes
Brave version (check About Brave): Version 1.7.98 Chromium: 81.0.4044.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)](https://brave.com/latest/)
FWIW – if you still want to login to Playstation.com, simply open your Shields panel and set the cookie control option to All cookies allowed and let the page refresh. You should now be able to login normally.
That for sure doesn’t work. The problem is that my PSN account has two factor auth turned on. When I disable it using chrome I can login fine. I don’t like not having 2FA on so that isn’t really viable.
Logging into the Sony store works in Opera 68.0.3618.104 (the same version of the engine as it is now in Brave).
Windows 8.1 64, both browsers have the same extensions.
I also prefer Brave, but it’s good to let developers know that this is Brave’s problem. Other browsers work on the Sony site and Opera runs on the same engine.
I surpose it’s no help saying I have no trouble logging into PSN on PC and phone / tablets
For as long as I can remember Sony’s always had a problem with third-party cookies. You have to change to excepting them on whichever browser your using and everything is fine, well in my case anyway
As an aside the error has now changed to “connection has timed out” and asks for my password again. So there is some work being done on this issue I would think.
Good news. The latest version (1.10.93 Chromium: 83.0.4103.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)) handles logging in on the Sony website. You just have to turn off the shield, but ok, it can be. Previously it did not work at all. Good job .