Can't Add ETH POW Network in Brave Wallet

Description of the issue: I’m trying to add recently forked Network of Ethereum following Merge- ETH POW into Brave Wallet. But an error occurs.

Are you using the (new) Brave Wallet or the (old) Crypto wallets implementation? Brave Wallet

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Go to brave://settings/wallet/networks and Enter details as given here-
  2. Error shown-“Request for method ‘eth_chainId’ on failed” (screenshot below)

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.45.54 Chromium: 106.0.5249.40 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit)

Additional Information: Works fine in Metamask

@Mattches @brian @SaltyBanana

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@DouglasHDaniel any ideas on this?

Hey @Aman_M,
Thank you for reporting!
Looks to be an issue in our Nightly build, tested in Beta and Release and works fine.
Posted and issue here and have passed on to the team. :slight_smile:

Douglas Daniel


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