Can't access school website

Description of the issue:
I can’t access my school website at all through brave, I get error connection refused, but through chrome it works fine, and I’m not sure why. Have turned shields off, made sure firewall permissions are granted, etc. It is only for my school website and student pages etc, nothing else is effected like this. Has been happening the last 2 days.
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:
Connecting to site
Reproduces how often:
Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
Windows 10 Pro / Version 1.7.92 Chromium: 80.0.3987.163 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:

Hi @Blitzx, welcome to Community!

Can you try creating a new profile and seeing if the issue persists?
Click on the menu icon in the top right corner > create new profile.

Thanks for the response. I created a new profile, this did not help the issue at all.

Can you try going to the page’s site settings and clearing data / resetting permissions?
Go to:

I tried that, still no difference, unfortunately :frowning: works for me.

My guess is that you have a DNS issue. What DNS do you use?

Does Brave use its own DNS or maybe has DoH implemented (which should not matter.)

Do you have a VPN? If so, try it with that.

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I use google DNS, and it works on private session with tor enabled, which is odd

Why not try and and see it that works?

Can you try accessing your school website with Brave while not using google DNS?

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