Cannot open this site

do not pass fist page, i click in the Button in the page and it do not go forward

@emersbl Thanks for reporting. I just tried it on Windows 10 x64 brave version 0.60.48 it works fine.

On which platform and brave version are you seeing this issue?


windows 8.1

the page of the first print apears to me but do noto procede til the login page

wich is like the print bellow

@emersbl Thanks for the additional information. Can you please provide one more information?
what is the brave version you have installed, please navigate to brave://settings/help to check the barve version:

I have verified on Windows 8.1 brave version 0.61.50. I am not seeing any issues.


ok, but can you see the login page of the site i told?

ok, i see that you created an account there, my windows 8 is strange, this brave was the first cromium based browser that worked here, i only could use firefox until now
i am not logged to microsoft trough this windows, i refuse, may be is this
my version

O Brave está atualizado
Versão 0.60.48 Chromium: 72.0.3626.121 (Versão oficial) 64 bits

Ajuda com o Brave

i see your version is superior to mine, but here says “browser is up to date”

O Brave está atualizado
Versão 0.60.48 Chromium: 72.0.3626.121 (Versão oficial) 64 bits

Can you try logging in to the site with your Shields down? Visit the website, click the lion icon on the top right of the page

  • toggle these protections “off” temporarily to see if you can access the site.

it is all deactiveted

also i tried others things in configuractions of the browser

also i could enter by android, in brave, but not in pc

the problem continue

I was able to visit the site and click the button without issue – it took me to the login page. This was done with Shields up on release v0.61.52 on macOS.
Can you tell me what operating system you’re using?

windows 8.1

another problem is that i cannot login in google because it says no cookie activeted, so i go and activet cookies but do not work

Do you see the same behavior when you visit the site using Chrome?

the problem is that here all browsers based in cromium do not work, this brave was the only one
but i will try install crome again to test

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