Can we please get a custom profile icon and custom new tab background?

I’d like to use my own profile picture and background image. I’ve seen multiple posts, even dating as far back as 2019. Why isn’t this a feature yet? : - (

I’m a new user coming over from chrome, and this is really holding back my enjoyment. I need to be able to easily identify my profiles with a recognizable photo/icon. The default ones are too similar.


I have been waiting literally for years for this feature. It seems so ridiculous- they have custom upload on THIS SITE, but not their browser? If I can get the same level of ad blocking from another browser, at this point I might be willing to put up with slower load times just to have that feature for organization’s sake.

Is chrome’s load time really a lot worse than brave’s? If it’s really only a few seconds per page, I actually might switch over- organization just matters to me THAT much.


Thank you very much for the information! :+1:


Yes, we all want this feature! Upvote this.

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What is annoying is that there used to be a work around: default profile images were stored locally and you could replace them with your own images, but brave engineers became aware people were customizing their profiles and actually enjoying enhanced user experience so of course they changed it to remotely hosted avatars so you can no longer use the work-around. This seems like a pig-headed and short-sighted policy and it appears it was implemented just to spite users who found a way to implement a popular and necessary feature and deny them the ability to customize their profile beyond those amateurish, ugly, generic icons available now. This malicious attack on users makes me inclined to leave Brave browser until new developers who actually care about users replace the poor, unresponsive team they have now.

Personally, I wouldn’t quite call it a ‘malicious attack on users’ this is a quality of life feature at best and it wouldn’t effect the browser experience in a significant way. It is mind-blowing that there is still no option to change profile images on the browser as it does make identifying different profiles easier. However, it’s definitely not enough to push me away from their browser.

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I really second this.

If you know how to work with SQLite, all of their icons are stored in the Fileicons database under your profile (e.g., %localappdata%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Profile 1\Favicons). This can be in Default or your other profiles that you have. If you have SQLite you can open that file and look through the tables favicons and favicon_bitmaps which will have the icon_type and image_data respectively. The images in this database will show your custom icons, if you know how to work with SQLite. The code in Brave will also take that icon and create the Google Profile.ico which is the Brave logo with the icon/image from the favicon_bitmaps table.

Maybe I’m confused about what’s being asked with respect to the background image? That feature was implemented a long time ago: