Can link my Uphold account to Brave : error message in circle

Hi !

I’ve been using Brave since a while and never haed issues with it.
Until yesterday. I reinstalled Windows and everything. So I had to link Brave to my Uphold account again. But it doesnt work for some reason.

I manage to connect my Uphold Account, but when validating it I got an error message in circle : “your request is still being processed, please be patient. There was a problem processing your request. Try Again.”

Cant manage to make it work.
The orginial message is (in french) : “votre demande est toujours en cours de traitement, veuillez patienter. un problème s’est produit lors du traitement de votre demande. veuillez réessayer.”

Thank you for your help

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yes I’m having the same problem too
apparently it concerns everyone where Uphold works
and it seems the problem have been there for at least a year
not fixed since then
i hope Brave team doesnt rob us of our BAT tokens…

I’ve the same issue when trying to connect Brave to Uphold.

getting this message:

Votre demande est toujours en cours de traitement, veuillez patienter.
Un problème s’est produit lors du traitement de votre demande. Veuillez réessayer.

is where most people are to find a solution

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It was solved :slight_smile: thanks !

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