I agree completely. Though I’ll say I’m real simpleminded on things like this. To me it’s like, “who the heck uses the context menu anyway? And why?” It’s like, a single click on one icon rather than multiple clicks for context menu always seems better. Perhaps a bad mindset to have, but is kind of how I work on this.
So with me just being curious, why do you use the context menu despite it being extra steps? (Not saying doesn’t need fixed or anything, just curious why the extra steps when quicker/easier using a different method)
Umm, @Mattches I sometimes wonder about whether I should learn better to submit issues to Github and all. But wanted to tag this to you as I’m assuming you’ll better know who to forward this on to or create an issue yourself. Last time I tried to create a Github, issue just sat there with no movement.
Similar topic also was recently made at Brave browser is muting tabs without my permission