Browser close by itself

i turnd on my computer today and open brave but it close by itself in public but when i used private it not close can i know what is probleem?

Do you have any plugins installed? I had a similar issue with opera recently and it was due to ublock origin. Try disabling them one at a time to find the culprit

it was everything fine yestrday before i turn my computer off when i open now it start with that problem

how i can check if i installed somthing in brave ??

You can click on the three horizontal lines in the top right (under the ‘x’) and go to extensions. It may be something else but that is what caused it for me on opera.

i just cheek it i found it empty


Please give some info about your device, OS? PC, Mac, linux?

Did you enable hardware acceleration, installed new extension before the problem occured?

Open Windows settings, open Store, click on temporary files, then choose remove files.

Restart device.


i have pc windows 7 and i just removed everything and brave is clean but i still have that problem

i have pc windows 7 and i just removed everything and brave is clean but i still have that problem

Insure you are on the latest browser version (on linux it is Version 1.37.111, cant say if the same for windows) and give your cookies and cache a clear out. See whether that helps at all.

yeah this my update on windows and did clear all my datas anc cookies but still there problem

i just uninstalled after clear all datads and cookies and i installed it again the problem is gone is not close by itself anymore but i lost all my brave crypto which i was collect lol

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