Brave's priority #1

It’s evident that you prioritize political free speech in the USA and are concerned about safeguarding religious freedom, particularly for Christianity. The influence of tech companies on public discourse is a valid concern, and it’s important to ensure that all voices, including those of religious communities, are respected and protected.
ayat kursi latin I understand it holds significance as a verse from the Quran, emphasizing the greatness and protection of Allah. While it may not directly relate to the discussion at hand, it’s crucial to approach these issues with a sense of respect and understanding for diverse perspectives and beliefs.
Moving forward, engaging in constructive dialogue and advocating for policies that uphold fundamental freedoms while addressing concerns about the influence of technology on public discourse can be key steps in addressing these challenges. By working together, we can strive for a society where everyone’s rights and beliefs are valued and protected.

I discovered Brave 4 years ago looking for apps to replace Google Apps on my much loved Sony Xperia XA2 . Sony stopped support for it August 2019 so it stuck on Android 9. What I like about Brave is that it leaves me alone if I wish. Brave asks me if I want to be informed about things or not. I can choose my own sources for brave news. That’s the stuff I like. How quiet it gets suddenly with Google and Facebook apps turned down .

Privacy is not important for me. That’s because i never had any. I was born 1978 in Warnemünde a at the Baltic sea. In east Germany. I grew up knowing before learning how to write at school that every letter i write will be opened by the Stasi. We all watched West German TV and all kids watched E.T. or the Challenger explosion. But officially no one watched it so we had to play good communist kids until after school. When calling someone in west Germany at the post office they let us know that they were on the call as well. The Stasi never showed themselves but we all knew they ate around and watch closely. especially my family because dad worked on a ferry from Warnemünde to gedser DK . Lots of Western trucks where on it. Dad smuggeld mainly coffee and jeans. Because I never had privacy is it was never a topic. What i don’t get is why Google or meta keep on lying to everyone about privacy. After Snowden everyone is aware of privacy issues. Google claims in ads chrome is protecting our privacy. Yet an app like digital wellbeing is rooted in every android phone.?I I don’t use it . I i6
But every f
Few weeks iit turns itself on again… why Google? Just tell the people what you take or how you get it.