Brave wallet, seed phrase lose but found back up

Hello my brave wallet recently underwent a reset, as well as my entire computer at the same time, however I installed an application and I was able to find files or being written seed phrase + private Key, coming from brave wallet, in .js I would like to know if it is possible to find it in these files, it will really save me and I will be grateful to you, I would like to speak privately because this is a forum and I do not want share the files here. THANKS

@Mist3r1 I want to clarify with you really quick, the issue you’re stating is that you don’t have your seed phrase saved anywhere and you’re asking if there’s a way to gather this information from your old files?

If I’m understanding you correctly, there’s no way to do this. The seed phrase isn’t stored on our devices or anything and it would be a very big security risk if there was a way to help people pull up information and access crypto wallets from data.

I also want to note, as I started to reply to you, there is an account, that started replying. It seems they stopped when they saw me typing.


I want it to be very clear that is a scam account by the looks of it. Most likely it would try to do some trash post like below, which they’d then try to get any and all info from you and steal what they could. Which, in your case might not be much in regards to your old wallet, but who knows what else they’d try.

So yeah, do be mindful if anyone tries going that way. There’s no support tickets for Brave Wallet, no such thing as live chat, etc.

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I found file named private key from brave

I hear what you’re saying but just trying to tell you it doesn’t work like you might think. But if you don’t want to believe me, then you’ll have to hold on for support to get in. This would be someone like @Mattches or @Evan123 . It is currently Saturday and they tend to only be active here on American business days (so Monday through Friday, with holidays and weekends off)

I’m not talking about your data base but mine, my computer where I found that

I understand that. I’m telling you it’s not saved there for anyone to be able to see or access. Otherwise all it would take is one piece of malware or something to steal your info and take all of your cryptocurrency.

It is up to us to make sure that we are safely storing information when you’re using self custody wallets like this. If you didn’t have it and you reset, then there’s no way to help you get the wallet back. I mean, only possibility is if you had a backup of your OS that you can revert back to and then login to your Wallet and choose to Back Up Now. But even that is iffy on whether it would actually work.

Anyway, like I said, you can wait for official Brave support to respond later in the week but the chances are they are just telling you the same thing.

hello mr ninja i dont get my message to re start my wallet its being over weeks …please help im lossing high ammount of cash

If you reset your computer and/or Brave Wallet and didn’t save you recovery phrase, there is unfortunately no way you can recover your Wallet/Assets.

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The only other potential aspect at play here is if you chose to export a private key previously it’s possible that this key can be re-imported in brave wallet.

To do this, visit brave://wallet/crypto/accounts/add-account/import/ and select the account type you think it is (e.g. Ethereum). Then if this file you’ve found is a .txt file copy and paste the date in like so:

Otherwise, if the filetype you found ends with .json change the dropdown and select the file like so:

If that doesn’t work, then the file you found is not likely to be related to brave wallet or it’s formatted in some way that we’re not likely to be able to help you with it.

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