Brave turning on system sound

I just realised that, when I receive a notification for the reward system, the system sound gets turned back on at a 100% volume. Is this a new feature of the browser ? Never happened before.

Hello @Kappy, thank you for reaching us out. What kind of device and OS do you have? Did you update to the most recent Brave version? Have you checked your system sound settings behavior for notifications? Let us know this information so we can further investigate the issue. Regards.

I am using Windows 10 on my desktop. Notification sound were turned on again even though I had them disabled long ago. I am waiting to see if the next notification turns it on again.

Hello again @Kappy, let us know what’s the outcome of this. In case you want to disable it please follow these steps:




I hope this can help you. Regards.

Sorry I could not respond yesterday. After turning off the sound notification, it did not turn on again. Yet the fact was that Brave was able to change my volume levels in the volume mixer.

Thank you for letting us know. In case the issue persists do not hesitate and reach us out again. Regards.

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