Brave translator translates like like a teenager learning a second language

the original German
In Südafrika ist der Teufel los. Eine geheime Unterweltorganisation, die sich die „Gelbe Viper“ nennt, terrorisiert mit Raub und Mord die Hafenstadt Kapstadt.

Google translate:
All hell is breaking loose in South Africa. A secret underworld organization calling itself the “Yellow Viper” terrorizes the port city of Cape Town with robbery and murder

Brave translate:
The devil is going on in South Africa. A secret underworld organization called „ Gelbe Viper “ terrorizes the port city of Cape Town with robbery and murder.

This is terrible. In almost every sentence there is significant poor grammar and strange turns of phrase. Good grief this is enough to make me look for another browser. How did this translator every get into product that is actually released to the public???

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