Brave Sync Explanations

(English is not my main language sorry for that)

Description of the issue:
It’s been a while now that brave sync is deactivated… I read on the support page that I should be able to enable it from (brave://flags). Unfortunately this doesn’t sync my settings or my bookmarks to my phone or to my secondary PC. I’m forced to copy my user folder every time I want my settings to be sync to my PC which is not possible on mobile… Can we please have a date ? When will sync work again? I know that you are ask this question every day but I wasn’t able to find an answer and we all really want this feature.
Thanks a lot.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):

  1. Download Brave Browser on my main PC, on my secondary PC, and on my mobile phone (Android).
  2. Access on my main PC to brave://flags and enable the brave sync option.
  3. Open brave sync page menu on my mobile phone and scan the qr code from my computer.
  4. Exit and launch brave browser (no sync)
  5. Writing the words to sync on my secondary computer after having enable the brave sync option (no sync)
  6. BONUS: copy the user folder (AppData/Local/brave browser) from my main computer to my secondary computer (same path) and this time I’m able to get the same settings but we cannot call that sync because you need to do the manipulation every time that you bookmark something or you change a setting…

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
No sync on any device.

Expected result:
Settings and bookmarks syncing after activating brave sync and connect the chain.

Reproduces how often:
2 times.

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
I’m on Windows 10 64bits (both computers)
And Android 10 (Xiaomi Mi-9t Pro)
Brave 1.8.112

Additional Information:
Please if you could provide a date where the sync option will be able again this would be great.

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