Brave suddenly 'no Internet'...despite ok for other browsers

No Internet -‘There is something wrong with the proxy server or the address is incorrect.’
Neither of above appear to be valid. Have Mac and checked list of possible proxy servers but not ticked in box.
Asked me to contact system admin - again irrelevant as such does not exist

I reset the modem and power…but no difference…
HELP!! Someone,please

Hello @Cuchullin

just to confirm when you use different browser on the same device you can access the interent ? am i right?

so it just only brave ?right ? does it happen to every website or certain site?

have a nice day

Yes, only Brave…I use Safari for Mac as well and this is ok.

could you disable all extension and try again ?

I will try this and let you know!


you welcome :slight_smile:

Sorry…not sure how to disable all extensions…?
And then?

no problem go to the menu then click on extension then disable them all
or simply go to

and have a nice day

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