Brave sponsored images not giving any BAT

Hi @lucasdcs, I was trying to help others figure out what could be going on, but have realised I haven’t seen any BAT accumulation on both my desktop and Android, either - desktop, the evening before the latest update, and my Android, all day. (EDIT: I’m not really aggressive with pursuing BAT, so I don’t believe I’ve hit any limits.)

(I usually get different sponsored ads between my desktop and my mobile - no VPNs running.)

My mobile was always spot on with receiving BAT with sponsored images, but yesterday and today, I haven’t seen BAT accumulating as I did before. And this is a sponsored image shown in my Brave ads catalogue viewer that I’ve been getting all day:

My desktop hasn’t displayed any sponsored images supported in my region for two days now.

I can’t speak on notification ads, because I haven’t received any yet today, on either devices. I thought I did on my desktop, but as my BAT amount hasn’t changed, I just may be mistaken… but now we are speaking about it, I really don’t know.

I was getting ads all right before, but I still went through these to double-check my settings, etc. Have you done so as well? (I’m sorry, I never asked what OS you are.)

Earlier, I read this post, which I thought was interesting:

But I can’t confirm if it works as I didn’t try it.