Brave Shield affecting fonts

Additional information @Mattches @fanboynz. Brave GitHub issue report probably related posted below. Additional reddit link to users experiencing problem in the issue report.

This seems to be related to Shield’s “Block fingerprinting” option (standard or strict) as disabling it fixes the problem.


  1. Can you try disabling fingerprint blocking and see if the problem still occurs? Keep shields up. From the same issue report, you may have to restart your browser to see updated results.

  2. The person reporting the issue was on a macOS but the issue has also been reported on reddit on win10. What is your OS version?

  3. Also, per the issue report:

    Note: Only seems to happens on pages without custom fonts. A sub (eg: Brave’s sub) with a custom theme looks fine (unless you disable custom themes on your reddit account). Please note that this issue is not limited to reddit.

    I’m wondering if this might be related to the Helvectica font-family issue @289wk explained in his linked post above. Can you check to see if that font-family is in use on the sites you are having issues with? You could also try the following and see if it makes a difference. The more information provided the better! Please post an update.

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