If you are unable to or have stopped seeing Brave Ads, please read through the following posts first to ensure that basic troubleshooting steps are checked:
After reading the above, if you’re still having trouble viewing ads, please answer the following:
Are you able to receive general desktop/push notifications? yes
You can test this by visiting https://www.bennish.net/web-notifications.html and forcing a push notification to appear.
**Are you in a supported region (if so, which one)yes India
Check https://brave.com/transparency and confirm that you are in an applicable region
Give us a brief description of the ads behavior you’re seeing
Before updating to the android version 1.16.70 I was receiving adds normaly but after the update the adds stopped but after few day once again the different update version was available 1.16.74 but still no ads even after updating to that but only received add when used tor orbot app @steeven @Mattches
What OS/Brave version are you using?
Please copy/paste the top 3 lines of your brave://version
page1.16.74 Chromium: 86.0.4240.185 (Official Build) (32-bit)
Revision 37e6f852ed18086458552039ad26421aa9fc7acc-refs/branch-heads/4240@{#1377}
OS Android 7.0; SM-A510F Build/NRD90M