Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no) I have verified my wallet on Uphold, I have submitted my documents but Brave doesn’t show as a verified account.
What date did you verify your wallet? I don’t remember but it has been around a month.
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? No, I didn’t because I didn’t cross the deadline as yet.
Are you using a VPN? (yes/no) No
Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)? Yes
Does your device pass the SafteyNet check (Android only)?
Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold?? No
@ownfilms How long have you been experiencing this? What does you locale say on brave://rewards-internals/ > Ad diagnostics? Does it match with your region/country?
It could also be that your rewards got flagged and a message will appear as such when you try to verify with Uphold. Do you get any error when you try to verify?
Flagged accounts definitely can’t receive push notification or inline content Ads, only background sponsored images, which often leads flagged users to believe they’re viewing ads.
@g00z Even if you are flagged, Ad notifications don’t stop immediately. You can get max 50 Ads and get rewarded even after you get flagged. I was assuming OP got flagged recently.
Yes, my country/region is in the list. I don’t know if it’s flagged and what is the reason behind flagging what could have I done to be flagged.
I didn’t receive any error on Uphold when I was submitting my documents.
I am receiving push notification ads on my ios as well. I don’t know how Brave team has planned to accomodate earnings from mobile and desktop at one place.
Please let me know if there is anything wrong so that I can resolve or otherwise won’t use the browser because there is no use if this is the case.
Go to Uphold and check your account. Make sure it shows ALL of your information. You need to have your specific house address and everything done in your Profile. It can be verified with Uphold but if your Profile in Uphold doesn’t have 100% of the information complete, it won’t be able to validate with Brave.
iOS can’t participate in Brave Rewards. This is a rule by Apple and not because of Brave. You can read a bit about it at
That isn’t the answer to the question posed by Aman above. What’s going to be important is for you to type in brave://rewards-internals in your URL/Address Bar so it will open that up. Then there’s a tab that says Ads diagnostics. When you click there, it will show a few things. The primary to look at is Locale.
Then you need to make sure your device and IP matches that Locale. For example, we’ve had some people from India who when they checked, saw Locale in their Rewards Internals page showed English-US. The reason is because they had selected English-US as their device language and all, so Brave saw them as if they should have been in the United States but then it was seeing their IP address in India. Therefore they couldn’t get paid for the ads they were seeing, as they were seeing United States ads when they were actually in India. So it’s really important to make sure your Locale matches with IP address and all. If you’re using anything like a VPN or Proxy Server, that also can interfere.
It shows earnings though. If you go to brave://rewards and then tap on 30-day Ads History does it show ads appearing? If so, what does it say next to them? (Viewed, Dismissed, Clicked, or what?)
Thank you sir for detailed explanation. My uphold account is verified and brave is connected but ads earning is stuck. Probably as you said “locale” issue. I have checked Ads diagnostics as well.
Okay, so yeah, it’s showing you in the United States. Is that where you’re actually out of and your IP address would reflect? Are you using a VPN or anything?
Also, if you can check the 30-day Ads History as I mentioned, it will provide some insight perhaps.
Yes, it is showing wrong locale. I am not in US and no, I am not using or anything like that.
Yes, I checked 30-days Ads history and it’s showing ads viewing till 17-06-22, not after that. Means, after 17th ads viewing has not been recorded or as you say flagged sort of a thing probably.