Brave rewards have gone

My computer crashed and when I reopened it, and opened Brave, it had got reset although my browsing data and bookmarks were still there.
I had lots of BAT, and now they are gone. Please help me.

sorry for the crash!
If your BAT were in a gemini or uphold wallet you should just need to reconnect browser to the wallet.

no ; not connected :frowning:

assume you mean you don’t have wallet outside Brave browser. Normally anything stored in the browser doesn’t survive if there is a re-install etc, and my fear would be that is where you find yourself but I may be wrong as other elements have survived. My suggestion would be to use the following article to help you write a bug report and post to the forum as it is more likely to be picked up if you follow this format and helps them to make suggestions quickly based on your situation.
Hope this helps and you get a good outcome

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