Brave Rewards for Uphold or Gemini in Germany

Hi good afternoon,
I have the following problem:

I live in Europe, to be more precise in Germany, and I actively use the Brave Browser. Over time, a corresponding number of BATs have accumulated. When I try to verify my wallet, an error message appears because I live in Europe and this function is not yet available in Germany.
Both Gemini and Uphold do not work. What can I do now? What does Brave do for European users?

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Hello everyone.
I have the same problem. I dont know if Gemini and Uphold have to certify in Germany, or what exactly the problem is. It seems to be specific german problem. From my experience the Reward System works great till here. But the wallet cannot be verified.
I would like to get more info´s about this problem.
Thanks in Advance.

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its not only german problem
i have the same problem in Ireland
so we are in the same side
we need new wallet like other exchanges - binance and etc

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Oh, sorry i wasnt aware of it. Yes i think aswell, adding more wallets could help.

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On top of that I also have the following problem:
If I want to create a new wallet and generate a new password, this error message appears:

JSON data not supported

What can I do?

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