Brave random crashes

Continuing the discussion from Brave randomly crashes:

I have the same issue while on YouTube , it either completely crash, or i get the “awe snap, something went wrong when loading” window

I tried to turn on the brace reward since it was on YouTube and maybe it was went it was trying to load an add and i cleaned my cache.

Anyone has any idea what might be causing thing ?

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Not just youtube, I was on whatsapp web and it crashed. And it also crashed while I tried to reply the first time. I haven’t got that “awe snap, something went wrong when loading” window. It just closes for me, without any error message.

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Hello @Bacon_soup

Thank you for reaching us and I’m sorry to hear you are going through this. Can you please go to brave://crashes and

  • if you have automatic crash reporting is enabled (Settings --> brave shields and privacy --> Automatically send diagnostic reports), please respond back here with the crash report ID
  • If Automatically send diagnostic reports is not enabled, ensure you click Send on these crash reports listed on the page, then reply here with the crash report ID.


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