Description of the issue:
Brave is not saving any of my passwords even though it is prompting me to save passwords.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Log in to any website
- Brave prompts “Save password?”
- I hit yes
- Password is not in Saved passwords in Settings
Expected result:
Brave would save password in Saved Passwords in settings; however, there are no saved passwords.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.23.73 Chromium: 90.0.4430.85 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Additional Information:
This is not an issue for every site as I usually leave the “stay signed in” feature enabled from the website itself; however, for sites where I rely on Brave to store my passwords, this is an issue. This has not been the case except for the last 2 or 3 updates. I have tried using the key to manually save the password as suggested in previous threads, but that has not worked either.