Brave not reinstalling on windows 8.1 after it was uninstalled due to constant crashing

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. The original installation was repeatedly crashing on startup. (Win 8.1, been running fine for years)
  2. Uninstalled the browser and rebooted.
  3. went to Brave site from Chrome and downloaded the installed
  4. The Installer fails after reporting “No updates available”

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):
not available

Additional Information:

@JLAU111 You can’t install Brave from the main site because it only provides the newest versions, which no longer support Windows 8. Instead, you’ll need to download the last compatible version from GitHub:

To choose the right installer:

  1. Use BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe for Windows 64-bit.
  2. Use BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup32.exe for Windows 32-bit.
  3. Use BraveBrowserStandaloneSetupArm64.exe if you’re on ARM 64 architecture.

Regarding the crashing issue, it’s possible that the problem may persist after installation due to a component update conflict. This is currently being investigated. It would be helpful if you could refer to the one of the developer’s post here: Brave does not launches, even after deleting User Data - #52 by szilardszaloki and try generating the reports mentioned. You can tag the developer (szilardszaloki) in a reply and he’ll DM you to collect the info, which could help in finding a solution for everyone.

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