Problem reinstalling Brave

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Brave became corrupted on my wife’s Win 7 Desktop computer so I uninstalled it to reinstall. When I try to reinstall it from the setup file it says “No update is available”. I didn’t want an update. There’s nothing there to update, as it’s been uninstalled.

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. For me by double-clicking the setup file
  2. Hopefully nobody else can reproduce it

**Expected result: Re-installation of Brave

**Brave Version( check About Brave): whatever is the latest

**Additional Information: running the setup file does create several Brave-related files but not a functional browser. I have a screenshot of everything, but see no way to send it.

Windows 7 isn’t supported anymore. It hasn’t been supported for well over a year now.

Therefore you can’t download from the normal website as that is trying to install the newest. You’re getting the error messages because it’s not able to properly install and update since you’re using an unsupported OS.

Instead you have to go manually get from the Github. is the one you’ll need. But beyond that, you’ll have to know which file to grab.

To copy/paste from a response by someone else:

  1. BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe for win 64
  2. BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup32.exe for win 32
  3. BraveBrowserStandaloneSetupArm64.exe for win using arm 64

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