Brave not opening windows

I’m unable to open the Brave browser for the past few days. I’m unsure why and hadn’t changed anything in my setup. I believe what was spoken about here, Brave does NOT open Windows 11 desktop - Browser Support / Desktop Support - Brave Community, is almost the same thing as what I have except, the solution in this article doesn’t resolve my problem. Doing "C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" --user-data-dir=%localappdata%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\TEMP doesn’t fail however, doesn’t open brave - I just get a white window briefly flash open and then close. Going to %localappdata%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\ and changing Local State to something else and opening the browser also doesn’t do anything except make another Local State file (significantly smaller in size).

I’m unsure what caused this issue so I don’t know how to recreate it for anyone else. At the time that I noticed this issue, I was installing Minecraft (although I would be sceptical if a Minecraft installation was the cause of this). I have checked to make sure this wasn’t an antivirus issue (checked to see if defender was blocking brave and removed mcafee as that’s not really necessary and often causes more issues than it solved).

Tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it however, this doesn’t seem to work.

The only extra information I have is that in the first few seconds after restarting my laptop, brave is able to be opened for somewhere between 3 and 10 seconds. I would guess that something else is booting up upon restart and then interfering with it in some way. I had a look at the start up apps but there was nothing that seemed to stick out at me (at least nothing different from before that I could tell)

I’m unsure what version of Brave I was on but I should have one of the most recent versions from the front page as I’ve done a couple reinstalls. If there’s any further information required, please let me know.

Can you be more specific? What happens when you try to open? Do you get any notice? Are you able to right click on icon and choose to open in Private?

Unless you chose to delete all files when you uninstalled, this wouldn’t do much of anything. It overall would keep your data.

Just to kind of check, could you follow instructions at Brave crashes immediately upon startup - #4 by Saoiray and see if anything changes?

Beyond that, also want to know, if you were to install Brave Beta or Brave Nightly, do you have any issues?

Oh, and which version of Windows are you using?


Thanks for your reply, sorry for the delay in response.

Can you be more specific? What happens when you try to open? Do you get any notice?
Are you able to right click on icon and choose to open in Private?

Nothing happens when trying to open. Sometimes a blank window flashes for the briefest of seconds but closes before doing anything. Can’t open private window.

Just to kind of check, could you follow instructions at Brave crashes immediately upon
startup - #4 by Saoiray and see if anything changes?

Nothing changes when doing this.

Beyond that, also want to know, if you were to install Brave Beta or Brave Nightly, do you
have any issues?

Not used these before. Just installed them both. Both seem to have the same issue (i.e. doing nothing when opening except opening blank window and then closing it)

which version of Windows are you using?


Methods to try

  1. Have you tried launching brave using command prompt method ?
  2. Make a Backup of Brave Browser directory and later use iobit uninstaller to uninstall brave from your system…
    Files to backup

Use the exact same method of previous link to see if restoration works correctly. Make sure to use the latest version of standalonesilentsetup.exe if you use windows 11
3. Check what else is running on your PC’s task manager.

For Windows11 64-Bit, Use this file

visit the link and the download should begin instantly

if you dont need any brave browser data as you already use other browsers…then you can skip the step 2 of making backup…just uninstall using iobit and try reinstall using this file

Tried this, still no success. The standalone one is suffering the same issue.
I also tried some other browsers like firefox and chrome to no avail. The same goes for tor.

I have disabled all startup applications incase it was something there but seems not.

Do you think this is a Microsoft/Windows related problem instead of a brave one? Not really sure how to proceed.

  1. you only have brave browser installed ?other browsers work if you have some of them ?

  2. uninstall the most recent software before you encountered this issue

  3. Check for system restore points

For further help, i posted your query to Bard and Hers is what Bard thinks on what you should try

  1. Also see task scheduler and disable unnecessary running tasks

other aspects and softwares of your PC/System is stable and none having issues ?

Also try uninstall/clean reinstall gpu drivers…

No I have other browsers installed (which I didn’t have before but downloaded to see if they would work) but edge is the only one that works.

Ok will try. I haven’t really downloaded anything since the issue either so it’s only really things that were recommended here and Minecraft.

I don’t think I have any. This is a relatively new computer anyway (I got it a couple of months ago).

I’ll try these first. If I don’t get anywhere then I’ll follow bard and look at task scheduler.

Yes. I haven’t encountered any other problems with anything else so far. Only browsers seem to have an issue.

Also try disabling antivirus… since it is not easy to disable antivirus in win11 as i am not sure whether group policy still works or not, Replace windows defender with some other antivirus…

For me i have turned off Antivirus both to my host os and win 11 supernova vm… No protection is used

i had UAC ON, and dont install new softwares anymore on host os, so my primary protection is Brave Shields and that’s it… i am careful on what i do so i dont need dedicated software…

You can troubleshoot antivirus later after you tried above steps in my previous responses… Also try uninstall/reinstall gpu drivers

Also, use iobit for powerful uninstall… win11 may not delete some registry entries…

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