Brave Browser is not opening

My Brave browser was working fine yesterday evening and this morning, but I got live help from microsoft support for a problem on my computer. When I finished my work and returned home in the evening, the browser wouldn’t open, when I run it as administrator, the profile selection screen appears and disappears in white for a moment, and nothing related to brave appears in the task manager. I have tried saving my User Data as a folder, deleting and reinstalling the browser, scanning for corrupt system files with /sfc scannow, running it with flags like --disable-gpu, but the result is always the same. It is very important for me to find a solution to the problem as I have a lot of important data stored in it.


I have the same problem, can anyone help please?

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@gercekenesbatur , @forget1221 ,

Please edit your posts, to include your Brave Browser version numbers.

Latest stable (not beta; not nightly) version of Brave Browser is at:

For tips that may help you to stumble upon a fix:

Brave won't open on Windows 11 - #2 by 289wk

Brave won't open on Windows 11 - #4 by ryanloughran

Brave won't open on Windows 11 - #5 by 289wk

Some more details on where Brave Browser Profiles are, and some Profile info is:

All my profiles and logins are gone Windows - #4 by 289wk