Running Version 1.68.134 Chromium: 127.0.6533.88 (Official Build) (arm64)
I’ve noticed recently, like the past few days/week that one my Macs runing Brave logs me out of sites randomly. I do have Brave set to delete my cookies & cached images upong EXIT but I am NOT exiting. This behavior is specific to a single machine running the same software and configuration that I have on another mac. These macs also sync ‘everything’ along with an iphone & ipad. I’ve read reports of others having this issue in years past but didn’t find a solution.
Anyone else having this problem? Know how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance
Version 1.68.134 Chromium: 127.0.6533.88 (Official Build) (arm64)
So you are keeping your device on 24/7 and the browser is always open and visible? Or can you explain your circumstances a bit more on what’s happening?
And when you say it’s happening randomly, how often? Is it something you can easily reproduce? Does it happen on all websites or only particular ones?
My imac is on 24/7 but it does sleep. The logging out from websites occurs when I am using the machine, logged into several websites but working in another Brave window. When I return, I am logged out. Web sites are also logged out when the machine sleeps, I wake it and go to Brave and the same sites I was logged into earlier.
The same settings on my MPB running the same OS and version of Braze, syncing the same Brave settings does NOT log out unless I actually quit Brave. Different behavior on the two machines.
You might want to compare settings on both devices. While Sync covers many settings, some niche preferences might not sync over. It may be possible you’ll find some small difference(s) which may make an impact.
Also, check if you’re using Forget Me When I Close This Site in Shields.
Could you provide the following details for further assistance:
What macOS version are you using on each device?
If you create a new browser profile, does the same behavior occur? This new second profile comes with no extensions and most of the settings at default, so may help to pinpoint what’s going on based on results.
Can you test on Brave Beta or Brave Nightly? See if the issue persists there without adding extensions or changing settings initially.
Both Macs are running OS 14.6. The imac, which logs our unexpectedly, was working fine for months, no changes have been made to the settings. I have reviewed them anyway and they are exactly as before. I do have two extensions, both also installed and configured exactly the same on my MBP: uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger.
Hmmm, now that you mention it I did turn on “Forget me when I close this site.” recently…which I had never seen before. I just turned it off and will see what happens. Maybe it was just that.
I have not tried another Profile but I will if changing the 'Forget me" setting does not resolve it.
Well, turning off “Forget me when I close this site” resolved the issue. Glad it was an easy solution but I feel silly that it was so simple. To be honest, the language of the feature is not really accurate. I never closed the site so I didn’t even think it would be an issue when I enabled it.
Anyway, thanks very much for your help…really apreciate it.