Before today, Brave would delete all cookies only when I closed the entire browser window. I have it set to do so in Settings (clear all cookies upon closing all windows). Beginning today, Brave seems to be deleting cookies as soon as I close the tab even if the rest of the window is still open, meaning if I log into a site and then close that tab, I need to login to that site again.
Steps to Reproduce:
I login to a site.
I close the tab with that site while leaving the window + other tabs open.
I open that site again in a new tab.
Actual Result: The site opens in the tab with me signed out. I need to sign-in again.
Expected result: Prior to today, the site would have left me signed in until I closed the entire browser window.
Reproduces how often: All the time beginning today.
Windows 10, 64-bit
Brave: Version 1.37.111 Chromium: 100.0.4896.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)
As of the most current Brave update ([Version 1.38.109 Chromium: 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (64-bit)), the tabs seem to be working as expected. Thanks for the fix!
Edit: This is only partially resolved. If a domain is on the “Sites that clear cookies when you close them” list, relevant cookies are still cleared upon tab closure, as opposed to when exiting the browser. It would be great to get some feedback on if this new behavior is an intended change.
@Mattches, Not entirely, but I do think that I understand what has happened here. The “Always clear cookies when windows are closed” list from previous versions has been renamed “Sites that clear cookies when you close them”, and this reflects an intended change in Brave’s handling of cookies. Is this accurate? Are domains under the “Sites that clear cookies when you close them” list now supposed to have their cookies removed upon tab closure?
If this is the case then it would appear that not only has the issue been fixed, but Brave’s handling of cookies has been improved.
Actually no worries, I get it now. The breakage in the previous version - in conjunction with the new changes to cookie handling - had me confused for a bit. All fixed in the latest release, and the more advanced cookie blacklisting capabilities are great.