Brave is not preventing YouTube ads, but only when logged in

Old Method Still Works Even without updating the Patterns , Try this Method

Latest Test

See 03:21, Brave Shields is ON but won’t be Blocking anything, I also Showed Extensions and there are No adblockers, This Should work, I Suggest you to try it

The Reason Why i have Enable Brave Shields is Because to Block Elements.

Someone should test this, but I’m waiting for the ad blocker to work as it used to

i have the same problem, any solution?

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.


Gee, I wonder why I am not getting an ice cream.

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use incognito for no ads

@Powder @NoMoreFirefox @ArgenisBouzas @Adr17 @zef92 @mikeymannmade @silkylove

I enabled it and refreshed every YouTube page, but it doesn’t work


I get the same thing, with ads appearing only when I’m logged in. It started last night, I’ve cleared cookies etc. I tried Brave Experimental Adblock Rules just now, but isn’t working for me.

It’s not working for me either

I get the ads even if I did what you said

Same goes for me because I did the same and still unskippable ads

Dear Brave People who are creating, updating, fixing, and working hard to protect people from all the junk and tracking on the internet.

Frankly, I’m awed by what you are doing and I’m certain that the ad people, youtube folks, google folks and others are trying very hard to make this Brave Browser software ineffective. So of course there are problems. Even a rose garden has thorns.

There’s lots of stuff Brave browser doesn’t do for me, so I use it for the sites where it works well and enjoy that, and then I use Firefox for sites where I need things to work more efficiently. That’s my “workaround.”

Frankly, I think many people are quite paranoid about being tracked. At the base of all paranoia is truth, so I’m not down on you, but this is a challenging time for everyone.

Patience is a hard thing to develop, especially when you have a lot of fear and anxiety, but I suggest we all need to work on this for ourselves. There are ways to clear out fear and anxiety and replace them with love. LOVE is the answer to FEAR.
Why not focus on that? You’ll feel lots better for sure.

So Brave Users, please remember that everyone is truly doing the best his/she/they can! I urge you to send Love and Light to the Brave Folks working on this browser. It truly will help them do their best!

In Gratitude.

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Hey this worked for me thank you so much !

I created an account just to like this

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