Brave is not preventing YouTube ads, but only when logged in

Old Method Still Works Even without updating the Patterns , Try this Method

Latest Test

See 03:21, Brave Shields is ON but won’t be Blocking anything, I also Showed Extensions and there are No adblockers, This Should work, I Suggest you to try it

The Reason Why i have Enable Brave Shields is Because to Block Elements.

Someone should test this, but I’m waiting for the ad blocker to work as it used to

i have the same problem, any solution?

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.

I want an ice cream.


Gee, I wonder why I am not getting an ice cream.

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use incognito for no ads

@Powder @NoMoreFirefox @ArgenisBouzas @Adr17 @zef92 @mikeymannmade @silkylove

I enabled it and refreshed every YouTube page, but it doesn’t work


I get the same thing, with ads appearing only when I’m logged in. It started last night, I’ve cleared cookies etc. I tried Brave Experimental Adblock Rules just now, but isn’t working for me.

It’s not working for me either

I get the ads even if I did what you said

Same goes for me because I did the same and still unskippable ads