I can’t get in a website on Brave Browser.
- I try to acess my university intitutional website through this URL: https://ead.ipleiria.pt/
- It spends some time loading…
- Then, it then says it’s not possible to acess this website, giving me the code ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
It doesn’t work typing the URL on the fast research bar and doesn’t work through a link either.
I’ve tried it all, I’ve tried brave settings and antivirus settings on my computer, it doesn’t get to work at all.
Even tho, I can acess it through Microsoft Edge (for example).
[Versão 1.14.84 Chromium: 85.0.4183.121 (Compilação oficial) (64 bits)]
I’ve only started to use Brave less than two months ago and I’m pretty much impressed with it (until now), this website is essential to my everyday life and I hope it gets solved… If not, sadly, I’ll have to use another browser.