Brave is blocking a website?

I can’t get in a website on Brave Browser.

  1. I try to acess my university intitutional website through this URL:
  2. It spends some time loading…
  3. Then, it then says it’s not possible to acess this website, giving me the code ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

It doesn’t work typing the URL on the fast research bar and doesn’t work through a link either.
I’ve tried it all, I’ve tried brave settings and antivirus settings on my computer, it doesn’t get to work at all.
Even tho, I can acess it through Microsoft Edge (for example).

[Versão 1.14.84 Chromium: 85.0.4183.121 (Compilação oficial) (64 bits)]

I’ve only started to use Brave less than two months ago and I’m pretty much impressed with it (until now), this website is essential to my everyday life and I hope it gets solved… If not, sadly, I’ll have to use another browser.

Hi @_whotf, Welcome to Community!
In regards to the site you can’t access - are you saying you’re unable to log in or are you unable to even reach the log in page? On my end the page is loading fine.

Can you try creating a new test profile and seeing if the issue persists?
Click on the menu icon in the top right corner > create a new profile.

I clicked the link you showed and it opened just fine in my case.

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