Brave Github page verification

Hi everyone. I tried to follow the tutorial on how to add my Github account to the Brave Reward Creator, and even my page to the content creator program, but I failed at both.

I tried with the file, followed the tutorial but I’m getting a “HTTPS is not enabled” even though Github is enforcing it.

I don’t know how to do the DNS verification as it is not explained and I don’t have the tech background required to do so.

Do you know how am I supposed to do it ? Thanks in advance !

@RedeyeFR There was a notice some time ago- NOTICE: Creators GitHub account verification currently disabled

Will have to tag @Mattches to check if there is an update.

This is correct — at this time Github verification is still disabled.

Thank you.

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Oh sorry, I did not think it was still an up to date information. Thanks for your time, have a nice day !

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