Brave Creator Rewards - Payout Report not getting generated

I am new to Brave Creator Rewards. I am seeing a message stating that, The payout report is currently generating. Please check back later.
Last month I received some BAT from my subscribers on 5 th Feb, but it was showing the same message back then from 1st Feb to 8th Feb I think. Then it disappeared and I still have my bat on the Rewards account. I have my uphold account connected to my Creator Rewards account from Dec 2020. My question is when the report will be generated? When can I expect the transfer of BAT from my Creator Rewards account to Uphold account?

Thanks in advance for helping me out.

The banner = normal.

If anything is okay with your account, it’ll be paid in this month payout.

Thanks for your patience.

Okay thank you for your time.

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My account has a number of channels to accumulate BAT and accept donations. However, I just realized my accumulated BAT did not get to paid to my uphold account for almost 7 months. Not sure if anybody can help me out.

The account associated email is [email protected]

Hello Same problem, I have 43.86 BAT blocked in my creator dashboard since 4 month now…

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The same problem…
Is the support helpful or just for decoration? (I ask in good vibes)

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