Brave crashes when launching

Description of the issue: As of today (12pm CST Nov. 17th 2024), Brave crashes on startup. This is a brand new issue. It was working yesterday and was broken today. To my knowledge, I didn’t install any new extensions or change any Brave settings. Something that just occurred to me: I believe a Windows update was installed when I shutdown my PC yesterday. I’m currently on Windows 10 build 19045.5131.

Notably, Brave Nightly is currently working for me, but this, of course, doesn’t have any of my extensions, user preferences, bookmarks, etc.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Install Windows 10 build 19045.5131?
  2. Attempt to launch Brave

Brave Version( check About Brave): Should be the latest build. I’m unable to determine the version because I cannot access the about information, but I downloaded a Brave install, so it should be up-to-date.

Additional Information:

  • I have Vertical Tabs enabled.
  • I have “Reload tabs on startup” enabled (with ~8 tabs open)

Attempted fixes:

  • I copied and deleted my Preferences file, but the issue still occurs. Notably, it takes a second or two longer to crash without this, but never finishes loading a window.
  • I tried --disable-brave-sync (Or whatever the exact argument is as seen in other threads)
  • I tried --profile="Test Profile"
  • I tried installing a new version of Brave
  • I tried opening only a private window

“Have you tried turning it on and off again”

…strikes again!

Restarted my PC > Brave works. :crazy_face:

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