Brave Browser requesting an update on LINUX MINT even after updated


Brave Browser has been updated, yet is still shows it requires an update.

I am running Linux Mint 21.2


Any suggestions?

I had written something related to this in June 2023, soon after it started happening, both here and also on the Linux Mint forum (here). Nobody seems to care.

Meanwhile, using several Linux machines (LM or Debian) on which I have Brave, I tried to figure out how much time must have elapsed before Brave starts to display the “Update” tag, but I couldn’t. For example, I first noted that it popped up on one machine 48 days after installation of the next version and 56 days after its release, but the next time was 12 days after installation and 62 days after release.

So I made a note to make one small alteration after each update: I remove the e’X’ecutable bit from the file /opt/ That “solves” the issue for me.

HI There.

Wow. Thank you for your response.
Im a relative newbie to LM, so I tried doing this below, as I physically do not see a exe filename.

Obviously it did not work. Any suggestions?

sudo apt install curl

sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg

echo “deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main”|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install brave-browser


Thanks for your time,


Hello @Christinevr007

you are using very old version current version is 1.65.114

so try the following command line

sudo apt list --upgradable

check if it show that there upgrade for brave or not if it show up then run

sudo apt upgrade

and it will upgrade brave to the latest version

if it does not show any upgrade then where did you installed brave from from the official link

which include the commands that you provide do you get any error message when you run those commands

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hi There,

Thank you for your response.

I have been running the scripts provided from the official link in Brave Brower.

No errors where given. (I ran the above multiple times during the past few weeks)

This is what I got when I ran your suggested commands.

So I upgraded BRAVE, and checked the browser version again. To my astonishment… I saw it was still the same version.

That is when the penny dropped!

I must be running another version. face palm

I uninstalled the other two, and now only have the latest version running.

What do you know?? No more UPGRADE error message.

Thank you.

I forget this is not an operating system where it automatically uninstalls previous versions. Baby steps!

Have a fab day further,


you welcome @Christinevr007

i not very experience with linux mint i use Rocky linux but from apt feed back you have installed 2 edition of brave one which is the release version and another one is beta edition who know maybe there were third one from the flathub also

i prefer to install software/package either from it’s official repository (the 4 command you shared earlier ) or the repository of the distro i use

i do not like flathub sorry

glad that you figured it out and have a nice day :slight_smile: