Brave browser keep crashing continuously

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Description of the issue:

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:

Reproduces how often:

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

Additional Information:

@ajaan, welcome.
You didn’t include any text in your post to describe your problem? :confused:

Try this topic link and read through it to see if you can find some answers to your question.


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I’m having the same problem. I get about 10 “this page cannot load crashes” every day. With Chrome I never got those on such a regular basis. They seem to be happening randomly on random websites, but may be happening more often when I’m in my WordPress Admin.
Windows 10
Version 0.65.118 Chromium: 75.0.3770.80 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Hi, despite the fact that you didn’t provide any information other than the title, you can view the crash reports of a current (chromium) version at
brave://crashes (type into the URL bar).
Please send them manually if they haven’t been sent automatically to inform the Brave developers about these bugs. This should hopefully solve the problem soon. :slight_smile:

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I’ve sent all 10 crashes over the last couple days. I did not know that you have to manually send them.

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