You have 3 issues:
Brave Browser is not opening your website that is somehow related “to the Graphic Designing WhatsApp Group”
Your Keyword Everywhere extension, does not work on “it” being one of:
a) your Brave Browser?
b) your website?
- You chose category “Account Deletion Requests”
Please create a new post dedicated to issue 3, alone.
Please create a new post dedicated to issue 1, and in your comments, be sure to include issue 2 in your post, as issue 2 may be affecting issue 1.
Please post in a manner that reflects the template and guidelines (following), and Brave Support may be more than happy to assist you.
Guidelines - Before posting, please:
- Search the forum to see if anyone else has already posted or resolved the same issue you’re having.
- Ensure that you’re posting in the appropriate category — please use the appropriate category when posting to ensure that whoever assist you has a clear idea of what product or platform you are using.
- Fill out the template that appears in your editor when posting as it contains all the boiler-plate information surrounding your issue. It will help the Support team members and other Community members to efficiently assess and resolve your issue. NOTE: “Uncategorized” posts do not have a template, so please ensure you’re posting to the right category as mentioned above.
- Tag your post appropriately – use tags to help track and organize threads on this forum.
- Observe and adhere to the code of conduct
How to stop the settings cog wheel icon from disappearing in Brave?