Brave BETA - Desktop Icon Color Changed from BLUE to RED

Description of the issue:
Brave Beta desktop icons switched from BLUE to RED

I only have Brave Beta installed on my PC - No other Brave version is installed.

Running Windows 11 16 Bit - Updates Installed

How can this issue be reproduced?
Not applicable - N/A

Expected result:
Brave Beta icons are BLUE, not RED.

Brave Version
Version 1.72.77 Chromium: 130.0.6723.31 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)

Additional Information:
When I turned on my PC this morning, all of my Brave Beta desktop icons were all BLUE, as they should be. A couple hours later, all of my Brave Beta desktop icons changed to RED.

Thinking this might be a Windows Issue, I did a system restore, going back a few days. After system restore was complete, the RED icons were still there.


From a quick search, I discovered how to change individual icon colors but, that would be a pain to change dozens of icons, manually. Plus, all new links I drag from Brave Beta browser to my desktop are now all RED, by default.


I only have Brave Beta installed on my PC - No other Brave version is installed.

It seems A LOT of people hate Brave’s RED ICONS. Brave’s RED icons might as well be BLAZE ORANGE which we all know stimulates the RODS in your eyes. Staring at RED icons on a desktop is just annoying.

FYI, I use the beta-version mainly because of the blue icons.

FYI - I did a complete “Rest this PC” and removed everything, including using the “clean data” option in Windows 11. That option takes a PC back to out-of-the-box factory specs, as possible.

Then, I reinstalled all local ancillary software I use on my PC, like Zoom Meetings, Brave Beta, etc. Also, I adjusted the settings to make Brave Beta the default browser.

After doing all this, the RED icons are back so, this is not a Microsoft issue.

I’d love to find a resolution to this or, at least get some explanation. If not, I may as well just uninstall Brave Browser and just use Chrome or MS Edge.

That seems extreme just over the icon color. For what it’s worth my Brave Beta installation, up to date on Win11 24H2, is still blue. So may not be a Brave issue.

Very strange behavior. On my end, I see the correct blue icons on both macOS and Windows systems. Let me reach out to some team members to see if they know what might be causing this behavior.

I have the same problem.
I noticed it after Windows Update on October 9th.

Windows 11 Home 23H2 64bit
The file is associated with Nightly.
I have Release, Beta and Nightly installed.

It’s not only happening on windows . Had beta installed on 3 devices ,manjaro plasma (linux) on a PC & laptop also on android phone . The icon itself didn’t change but when using the browser the icon in the search bar had changed from blue to red on all devices and i stopped seeing brave rewards on the 2 computers . I reinstall but didn’t help .

Very strange — went ahead and opened the following issue for this:

Can anyone here still encountering this issue please share a screenshot (or copy/paste) of your brave://version page?

There have been reports that icons have changed in Chrome as well. Is this related?

In the screenshot you’ve shared, you appear to be using the Nightly browser. Is the icon for that browser not purple, as shown in the favicon on the tab?

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