brave automatic translation and translation speed

I have been using Brave for a long time and from day one the Brave translation speed is very slow and not working properly. I’m using Android and I’ve been hoping for automatic translation since day one. I no longer install Brave updates. I’m always waiting for an update on the translation correction but no corrections are made in the translation as if it were perfect. Now I’m tired of pressing the translate button at the bottom of the page and waiting 30 seconds for it to translate a short 2 sentence sentence. There are a lot of ads in Chrome but I’m considering going back to Chrome if you’re not going to fix the translation issue. When I first switched to Brave, I loved it so much that I deleted the system app Chrome from my phone with adb, but the Brave translation is a disappointment.

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Yeah, agree that there’s work to be done on the translation for sure. For me though, it takes around 5 secs. Don’t know why so much longer for you.

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