Brave and Borlabs Content Blocker

Description of the issue:

When using the Borlabs Cookies Plugin, it is not possible to unblock Content on a Website which is Blocked for DSGVO/GDPR reasons.
The Link “unblock Content” is linked with the anchor “#” and won’t unblock the content, but jump to the first content of the Page. I see this on many WordPress Websites using Borlabs, including my own.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

Visit a Website using Borlabs, for example: there is a locked YouTube Video on the Homepage

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Won’t be able to unlock the Widget (watch YouTube Video, see Google maps and so on)

Expected result:

In any other Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) the Content unlocks after clicking one of these buttons

Reproduces how often:

Every Time when Borlabs is used on a wordpress website

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

Mac OS: Somona 14.1.1 Brave Version: 1.69.168

Additional Information:

I asked the Borlabs Support if they can do anything and they said that it’s a Browser Problem.

Thanks for checking that, a lot of Websites in EU are using this Plugin because of the strict Privacy Laws.

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