i don’t like that new tab background.
plz select randon photo for new tab while brave starts
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@Anupama_03 Hi and welcome to the community.
Me either! It is my least favorite. Brave GitHub does have a project to allow users to change their default backgrounds using the Customize Dashboard on the NTP. It is currently in Beta release, so hopefully will be available for the Release version soon!
opened 12:26AM - 13 Apr 21 UTC
closed 02:21PM - 04 Oct 22 UTC
## Description
On the new tab page, expose settings to allow users to custom… ize the new tab page with colors, gradients, Brave wallpapers, or their own images that they upload.
## Design and UX
Prototype link: https://www.figma.com/proto/FMuS3IZbzqzQTyRHz42Oix/Desktop-NTP?node-id=1016%3A90&viewport=607%2C480%2C0.1668190062046051&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=1016%3A89

The new feature includes a set of solid colors for users to choose from:

The new feature includes a set of gradients for users to choose from:

### Sponsored images toggle
The sponsored images toggle is at the top level under Customize Dashboard > Background images. Users are able to have sponsored images on/off independently of whether they have their own uploaded background, a Brave background, solid color, or gradient background selected. When the user has Brave Ads off, it will prompt them to "Start using Rewards".

Once clicked, the Rewards onboarding tutorial will show.

When the user visits the sponsored images toggle again, the "Start using Rewards" button will be hidden and it will inform them that they are earning tokens for seeing sponsored images.

### Dark theme
Dark theme is supported:

## Assets
Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/FMuS3IZbzqzQTyRHz42Oix/?node-id=900%3A32768
Some interaction states are not included in the above Figma file because they use our shared Brave button and toggle components. Refer to the component documentation.
- Buttons: https://www.figma.com/file/z9wmg2FCwuXx9FLbDo5avJ/Platform-UI-Brave-desktop?node-id=1011%3A0
- Toggles: https://www.figma.com/file/z9wmg2FCwuXx9FLbDo5avJ/Platform-UI-Brave-desktop?node-id=1051%3A128
## Sub tasks
- [x] [Use custom images for background](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/19640)
- [x] Use custom solid/gradient colors for background
- [x] Improve sponsored images toggle option
- [x] Support multiple custom images uploading and shuffle randomly(https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/25761)
Just went to look at what was available in Brave Beta and it’s not much. Only allows you to upload a user background or use Brave backgrounds. There is no option at this time to select a specific Brave background. So, guess what? Yep, the jellyfish background is the first loaded when you open the browser. Ugh,
Hopefully by Brave Release version they will have a fuller range of features as indicated in the GitHub issue. Really, really hope so!
May 27, 2022, 6:18pm
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