I recommend separating ads and privacy blocking settings. I would appreciate it if you add a cosmetic strainer to your ad blocker. You’ll also want to offer more ad blocking filters and refine the ad filter page. [Google Translate]
It is also great if you add the selection option with the mouse, while blocking the element. [Google Translate]
@Darktower ,
This feature is actually already implemented, but has a few hiccups that we’re working out presently:
So to block the element, will the mouse setting be added?
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@Darktower ,
I’m sorry, what exactly do you mean by the mouse setting?
Can you add a box-shaped visual to block the elements? (Sorry Google-Translate)
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@Darktower ,
Ahh, thank you for elaborating. This feature has also been requested, although I cannot guarantee any specific time of implementation.
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December 27, 2019, 9:23pm
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