Brave Account Not Verify

Hi can any one help me how can i fix my issue brave tell my account is not verify in publisher upon connecting my uphold account but my uphold account is verify any one can help me how to fix this issue?brave%20issue

Hi @rguinauanph,

Welcome to community, and thanks for your post!

Did you complete the KYC process with Uphold?

hi sir thank i think my account is verify so can u please check this picture if i use brave as my browser default i will receive free bat?

and what is the meaning of this issue?

You’ve designated 39.2 BAT for creators who haven’t yet signed up to receive contributions. Your browser will keep trying to contribute until they verify, or until 90 days have passed. Learn more.

thank you so much i hope you can help me regarding in my issue.

why i cannot received bat coins my account is verify can u please help me what is the meaning of this message thank you

ou’ve designated 39.2 BAT for creators who haven’t yet signed up to receive contributions. Your browser will keep trying to contribute until they verify, or until 90 days have passed. Learn more.

thank you so much i hope you can help me regarding in my issue.

hi can u please help me what is the status of my account and how can i received a BAT thank you so much. almost a month for now im not receiving any BAT Free

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