Bookmark Multiple Editing

I have hundreds of Bookmarks organized as Primary folders in the main ‘Bookmark’ header. Within these I have Secondary sub folders containing additional sub folders and/or specific bookmarked sites. When I go to edit these to either sort, move, or delete, that single action closes that location returning to the main display. Additional editing in the same location requires another time consuming drill down to it to perform additional editing.

When editing Bookmarks allow multiple edits in the selected location without returning to the main display. When editing is done there, add a function to exit editing, perhaps Right click Mouse key?
When editing Bookmarks add a function that Auto sorts the Sub Folders and individual site contents.
Thank you.

Apologies but I’m not quite clear on the behavior you’re describing here. On my end, if I go to brave://bookmarks, drill into a sub-folder and (for example) re-organize bookmarks here (by clicking/dragging or using Sort by name option), the action completes right in front of me, and I’m not returned to any higher level menus.

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